


由庄闲棋牌官网官方版控股旗下庄闲棋牌官网官方版融智基金和庄闲棋牌官网官方版阳明基金领投的苏州诺存微电子在2019年第九十三届中国电子(CEF)展上亮相 ,诺存微电子团队主导研发的海内首批Octa-SPI/Quad-SPI含DTR功效的高速NOR闪存芯片新品一经宣布 ,便引起了业界人士和专业观众的高度关注。

本次诺存宣布的三款产品 ,接纳Octa-/Quad-SPI DTR高速接口技术 ,引脚少, SOP16、SOP8 或 BGA24封装 ,属海内首创;与古板SPI NOR完全兼容 ,但速度快16倍 ,可轻松实现产品升级替换SPI NOR ,是汽车、物联网、工业、消费电子等应用的最佳选择。


国家工信部电子司副司长吴胜武莅临旅行指导 ,对公司及产品情况进行深入了解 ,诺存微电子就高速NOR闪存系列进行产品展示。吴胜武对诺存微电子专注生长海内自主知识产权的闪存芯片体现支持和勉励 ,未来希望诺存微电子能有所突破 ,更上一层楼。


“脚踏实地 ,志存高远 ,致力于打造国际的闪存芯片”是诺存坚持的目标 ,未来诺存将以奇特的专利技术攻击市场 ,引领技术立异 ,填补海内空白并发动相关工业的聚集效应 ,打造世界级的芯片设计平台。


1、NM25L256FVA256Mb,3V,SPI/Octa-SPI; DTR NOR Flash

Protocol Support - Single I/O and Octa I/O
Single and Double Transfer Rate (STR/DTR mode)
Performance: Up to 104 MHz in clock frequency,maximum 208 MB/s read throughput (DTR mode).
Interface: Standard single SPI interface and octal SPIinterface, to enable a high degree of flexibility, performance and backwardcompatibility.
Single Supply Voltage: voltage range 2.7–3.6V. Low EnergyConsumption.
Package Options: JEDEC, SOP16 and BGA24 (5╳5 ball array), drop-in-Replacement for SPI. RoHSCompliant and Halogen Free.
Temperature Range: Full industrial (–40°C to 85°C) and in-future automotive AEC-Q 100 (–40°Cto 105°C) temperature support to address variety of applications
Security: Hardware and software block protection; onetime programmable region
Cycling endurance and Data retention: Minimum 100,000 Program/Erase Cycles; 20-year dataretention typical.


2、NM25Q128FVB128Mb, 3V, SPI, Dual/Quad-SPI,QPI; DTR NOR Flash
Protocol Support - Single I/O, Dual I/O and Quad I/O
Single and Double Transfer Rate (STR/DTR mode)
Performance: Up to 104MHz in clock frequency, maximum 104 MB/s read throughput (DTR mode).
Interface: Standard Single,Dual and Quad SPI interface, toenable a high degree of flexibility, performance and backward compatibility.
Single SupplyVoltage:voltagerange 2.7–3.6V. Low Energy Consumption.
Package Options: JEDEC, SOP 8,drop-in-Replacement for SPI. RoHS Compliant and Halogen Free.
Temperature Range:Full industrial(–40°C to 85°C) and in-future automotiveAEC-Q 100 (–40°C to 105°C) temperature support to address variety ofapplications.
Security: Hardware and software block protection; onetimeprogrammable region
Cycling endurance and Data retention: Minimum 100,000 Program/Erase Cycles;
20-year data retention typical.


3、NM25Q64FVB64Mb,3V ,SPI,Dual/Quad-SPI,QPI;DTR
Protocol Support - Single I/O, Dual I/O and Quad I/O
Single and Double Transfer Rate (STR/DTR mode)
Performance: Up to 104MHz in clock frequency, maximum 104 MB/s read throughput (DTR mode).
Interface: Standard Single,Dual and Quad SPI interface, toenable a high degree of flexibility, performance and backward compatibility.
Single Supply Voltage: voltagerange 2.7–3.6V. Low Energy Consumption.
Package Options: JEDEC, SOP 8,drop-in-Replacement for SPI. RoHS Compliant and Halogen Free.
Temperature Range:Full industrial (–40°Cto 85°C) and in-future automotiveAEC-Q 100 (–40°C to 105°C) temperature support to address variety ofapplications
Security: Hardware and software block protection; onetimeprogrammable region
Cycling endurance and Data retention:Minimum 100,000Program/Erase Cycles;
20-year data retentiontypical.



诺存微电子2015年入驻庄闲棋牌官网官方版科技园(昆山) ,首创人彭海兵博士本科结业于清华大学 ,哈佛大学博士、UC伯克利博士后;彭海兵博士获得14项美国/中国专利 ,其中三项被工业化 ,在半导体、纳米技术、新质料、存储器等领域取得了世界领先水平的重要结果。

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